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Legacy Films


 Linking the past with the present, a Legacy Film enables the preservation of stories and family history to be documented and passed down preserving what cannot be recreated once lost.



Your personalized video time capsule.



The Legacy film is a great way to build a life story. 

Capturing people in a place and time. 

Whispering to Granddad





intergenerational interaction  

is a 
Legacy Film?

The Stories

Linking the past with the present enables youngsters to learn interesting things about their family history.  From hearing stories to seeing traditions these clips are preserving history and heritage

Mother and Daughter


Sharing our experiences and wisdom is how we learn more about ourselves, the people we care about, and future lives to come.

Producing a Legacy Film is a way to sculpt your own time in the present. With the possibility of discovering some timeless insight to help guide you or others for decades to come.

Reading a book



Bookshelf Broadcast

Our team will come to you, set up their equipment then sit down with you to have an interview style conversation. Capturing you at two locations, your residence and a place of interest/hoby. Recording these conversations and stories you tell is the main content of your film. The film crew will then proceed to shoot creative shots of their surroundings. We prefer to schedule 2 days of shooting and will be on site for 4 hours each day.

What to expect

The Process

Family Meal

     A Legacy Film can be a long-term family project you do piece by piece.  It can be something you schedule during the holidays, summer vacation at the cabin, perhaps just a family dinner. 

     Producing one of these films is a powerful way to connect individuals and generations both young and old.  Reminding us of moments in our lives, it is a way to tell your story timelessly carrying those memories into the future, recording your family's story across generations and create a lasting legacy. 

You are creating a chance to travel through time

     One of the best gifts to give is to listen, finding out about the past as you hear about real-life experiences, discovering along the way some timeless insight to guide you down your own path.



   The older generations have an opportunity to reflect on their achievements as well as combating situational issues that may come with aging. Helping those who are watching resolve conflicts and fears they may have. Creating models for facing similar challenges in their own life.

   We are designing intergenerational interaction and connection.

As we travel together building

your vision,

Tracker Studios wants to enable you to express yourself the way you want to be remembered.

Lets make your Legacy one to remember, with the one who knows it the best, YOU.

        Tracker Studios wants to tell your story.

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2023 | Tracker Studios

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